How a Bill Becomes a Law
This lesson aims to provide students with an understanding of how laws are made in Parliament through the legislative process.
Students will identify and describe the steps in making a law, from a bill's introduction in the Senate or the House of Commons to its receiving Royal Assent.
50–70 minutes
Option 1: Bill on the Hill – Online Activity
Direct students to work through the Bill on the Hill activity to learn how a bill becomes a law passed by Parliament.
Option 2: How a Bill Becomes a Law – Paper Activity
(Best Suited to Advanced learners completing the Enriched Simulation)
Materials Required
- copies of the blank flow chart
- overhead projector
- completed flow chart for teacher's reference
- copies of “How a Bill Becomes a Law”
- Teacher Notes: Types of Amendments
- Provide students with a copy of the blank flow chart. Display a copy on an overhead projector or smart board.
- Distribute the “How a Bill Becomes a Law” handout, which describes each of the stages involved.
- Proceeding one section at a time, read the document and lead a discussion based on the questions provided. Encourage students to ask questions. Model to students on the overhead how their flow charts should be completed.
- There may not be enough time in class to ask all discussion questions. Some questions may be assigned as homework or group work.
- Class discussions or writing activities should address the following question:
What are the benefits and drawbacks of having so many steps in the legislative process? - The test bank of questions can be used to create a summative assessment tool.