Make sure you are ready to run the simulation. Consult the checklist before you begin the MPU.
▢ | A bill has been chosen for the simulation. |
▢ | Students have been assigned to groups and roles. |
▢ | The Mace, tricorn hats and black cloaks have been made for the Royal Assent ceremony, if desired. |
▢ | The Rules and Decorum have been reviewed with the class (these can be reviewed at any point prior to the simulation). |
▢ | Scripts have been reviewed for the parts of the parliamentary day that your class will be simulating. |
▢ | Names of the students who will play each role have been filled in in the appropriate places in the scripts. |
▢ | Non-student role players (i.e., guest teachers or the principal, acting as Speaker, Sergeant-at-Arms, etc.) have been instructed as to the duties they must perform (and have received their appropriate role descriptions). |
▢ | Procedure for the parade at the start of the simulation has been reviewed. |
▢ | Name cards have been created for each role player. |